Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. (Revelation 1:3—NKJV)

Uncertain times require steady steps. You will have to look quite a while before you will find someone who does not agree that these are uncertain times.

Uncertainty is all around us, though it has always been that way; uncertainty just feels more insistent now than ever. Since the natural desire to divine the future holds even more curiosity for everyone, to whom do you turn for wisdom in uncertain times?

For believers the answer is simple—turn to the Scriptures. For nominal “believers” and all the rest of mankind, the answer is not so simple. You can look to friends, financial advisers, lawyers, doctors, politicians, inspirational writers, and motivational speakers, both in clerical garb and out, but in uncertain times every one of these men has the same Achilles’ heel—each one is a man with the same limitations as you and is peddling his take on what he sees in the darkness.

If the advisor’s words proceed forth squared with scriptural dictates, then his advice is trustworthy. After all, the future is also where God dwells and God’s foresight is the only one which carries weight. If the advisor’s words swerve into biblical truth, the truth in what he says will be readily recognized by authentic believers as dependable wherever and whenever his words rest on the truth of the Word of God. But if his words arise from his heart alone, whether stoic, craven or brave, his words are merely the words of a man, as high sounding as they may be.

The book of Revelation is the final book of the canon of Scripture. It is the revelation of Jesus Christ, as the first verse states. Though the prophecies may appear confusing to us who appear to be at the gate of the “end times,” rest assured, they will fully make sense to those who are actually alive during that tumultuous time, as C.I. Schofield stated.

For us looking in from the outside, this wondrous book has much to teach us. In Revelation 1:3 the apostle John proclaims a beatitude for all who read the book—this includes you and me. Blessing is promised to those who seek to find steady steps provided by God in uncertain times by spending time in this book of prophecy.

John identifies three practices in relation to the study of God’s Word. The first practice is read. Blessed is he who reads. It may be related to the public reading of God’s Word, but certainly one cannot learn anything from God without the reading of His Word. Joyful blessing and comforted hearts come from time spent in the reading of the great “love note” that the Bible is for His saints. Do not be a stranger to the crisp pages of God’s spoken Word.

The second practice is hear. Do not be absent from the gathering of saints where the Bible, and not the opinion of men, is freely shared. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Blessings pour forth on the thirsty soul and light shines in the darkness as the Word of God is freely allowed to blaze forth.

The third practice is keep. God’s Word is not a talisman to be waved about; it is not a dressing to flavor a sentimental hope; it is a directive to be obeyed and demands first billing in every venue whether it is in a message on a Sunday or an everyday decision of life.

Uncertain days demand a steady step. Are you gaining a sure footing as you pursue the pilgrimage of your life? Do not be afraid of the study of prophecy as long as you assay it for the purpose of gleaning the blessings of directing your steps in obedience to Jehovah God, the only true God. This is the purpose of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Trust and obey.