What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise You? Will it declare Your truth? (Psalm 30:9—NKJV)

Any thinking person will find himself asking why he is here on this earth. There is no other creature that is equipped by his Creator to ask this question, but man. I do believe it is by design that it is such a natural question to ask. Without a clear sense of purpose man does tend to dilute his effectiveness and feel useless.

Any answer to the question of our purpose which attempts to rise to a higher ethos than self-interest is forced to largely go one of two directions. Both choices stem from our perception of our origin. Either we are led to look to our Creator for our purpose exclusively or, in rejection of an Intelligent Designer, turn to whatever process we assume created us. Historically man has looked to theology or some sort of “mother earth” construct (like evolution). Many attempt a sort of marriage of the two concepts, but usually this hybrid favors one of the two options to such a degree that any real definition of purpose derived from God is ignored while any “earth-bound” purpose is magnified.

For illustration’s sake, were you ever tempted to buy a tool that does “everything?” It sure looked neat until it broke. Then you went out and bought a tool specifically designed for its task. It may not have won any beauty contests but it got the job done and that was all the simple beauty we needed! This is just like the difference between a cobbled-together, earth-bound construct and the simple beauty of God-authored purpose for your life.

The effects of deriving any of our purpose from anything other than our Creator are seen in every age group. It is like the “blind leading the blind.” They are seen in the way children are taught to view man as distinct from, and lesser than, natural ecology, in the guilt which teenagers are beginning to labor under because of their personal carbon footprint and that of their babies yet to be born (after all, man cannot live very long without burning something), in the enormous pressures that adults feel to conform to a way of thinking which stifles personal initiative and promotes some distorted view of “fairness,” and in the heart cries of the elderly wondering if they should simply get out of the way of those who have their lives before them. All are examples of how easily a man can feel “useless,” broken, and confused in purpose while he still breathes.

Our text is found in a chapter where King David is praising God for the extension of his life despite his sin. David, in deep grief, repented of his sin and offense before the Most Holy God and cried out for forgiveness. God, in mercy, answered his prayer and released him. God replaced his grieving with joy and set him on a mission to live out his days with singular purpose. Our verse tells us his purpose is to glorify his Creator by praise and declaration. This is the same purpose for all believers today. It defines our worldview and self-worth.

A full view of God’s forgiveness cannot help but produce obedient gratitude and shameless thankfulness by bringing glory to our Creator. We cannot praise God or declare His truth to those around us after our death. While there is breath we are to make it our aim to glorify Him. It is pretty simple, but it is profoundly meaningful to believers of any age. Even those who are wondering if they should just get out of the way can take heart. While there is breath, communicate your thankfulness to God and find ways to declare His truth until you see Him as He is.

Are you an earth-designed hybrid fit for everything in general and nothing in particular, or are you a God-designed workhorse fit to clearly glorify your Creator? If you have lost your way and needed the clarification found in this verse, consult Psalm 6:5, 28:1, 88:10–12, 115:17, Isaiah 38:18–19, and Revelation 4:11 to see that this is not an isolated idea in Scripture. Make it your mission to fulfill you commission until God calls you home. Trust and obey.