Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. (Colossians 4:12—NKJV)

Wouldn’t you count yourself extremely fortunate if you knew you had a prayer warrior committed to praying especially for you every day? Talk about feeling lucky! Authentic prayer warriors are few and far between. They are of far more rarity than best friends. Perhaps you have been blessed to know one in your lifetime.

While it is true that being a prayer warrior is a life-long pursuit, you can be a prayer warrior while you are still young! The main requirement is that you know Christ as your Savior. Only if you are redeemed through the blood of the Lamb are your prayers accepted before God in heaven (Proverbs 15:8). This is why the believer prays in Jesus’ name for his acceptance, and the acceptance of his prayer is only through the person of Jesus Christ. There is no merit of your own, no personal experience, no good works, no good intentions, and no pedigree that will suffice. Only true believers are called to the work of intercession for all men (1 Timothy 2:1–8).

Yet, all believers are called to the work of intercession for all men. Therefore this invitation to become a prayer warrior is extended to you, if you are born again. So, just what is a prayer warrior? Our text tells us of a committed prayer warrior we would all love to have praying for us and gives us tantalizing hints which define the prayer warrior’s work.

Epaphras is first described as being one of the Colossians. A prayer warrior effectively prays for those he knows. When one applies the living Word to the life-problems of the living, he is driven to his knees before the Living God. No other prayer warrior means as much to you as the one who is praying specifically for you! Are you a prayer warrior exerting your labors in your corner of the Lord’s vineyard?

Second, the prayer warrior has but one self-identification: He is an avowed bondservant of Jesus Christ. Selfishness and service to Christ do not mix well. Selfishness will always crowd out a vibrant and useful prayer life. Is your heart so submitted to your Lord that your thoughts are occupied with how your prayers might further His purposes?

Third, the prayer warrior is involved in the lives of those to whom he is known as a prayer warrior. The fact that Epaphras sent his greetings through Paul means that he was interested in keeping an open door of communication and interest in them. Does anyone know you are praying for them, and how you are praying for them?

Fourth, the prayer warrior knows that there is no better time to begin to intercede with purpose and gusto than now. This is a blessed labor done on the knees. The words “laboring fervently” translate a word meaning “striving earnestly as in the agony of a contest.” Are you investing labors for eternal dividends in the life of someone else?

Fifth, the prayer warrior does not occupy the stuffings of his prayers with the usual fleshly cares that are the easy requests. His prayers tend toward the cares of the soul which reflect the design and desire that God reveals in the Bible as His wish for men—to stand the tests of life with steadfastness and, when the dust settles from the conflict, to remain standing resolute and strong. The word “perfect” is indicative of full maturity, to be full-grown, while “complete” speaks of being fully assured (literally, full + to carry), to display entire confidence and a mature bearing before God and the world (Hebrews 10:22, Colossians 2:2).

Have you had the privilege of having a prayer warrior who prayed for you like Epaphras? Recount the ways you are different today because of that prayer warrior? Are you willing to yield to God’s claim on your life by being a prayer warrior so that God’s will is done in your life and in the lives of others around you? Great will be your reward. Trust and obey.