Give me neither poverty nor riches—feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, “Who is the LORD?” or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the Name of my God. (Proverbs 30:8b–9—NIV)

Money is a tool, but to love it is the “root of all evil”. It is wise to pursue heavenly wisdom in order to be a good steward of money during your lifetime here on earth. There are three nuggets of wisdom to captivate our attention in the prayer recorded in these verses.

First, all wealth, and ability to get wealth, comes from God. Later in the Bible the thought provoking question is asked, “What do you have that you have not received?” Threatening all human pride is the haunting reality that we owe everything we have of value ultimately to someone else. This is also the seed-truth of good stewardship.

Second, human nature always wants more than one presently has. Leaving this natural inclination unchallenged leads to vices which are all too common in our day. Sins such as jealousy, theft, unthankfulness, discontent, independence from our Maker and pride all find their genesis in selfish human nature. Submission to God’s will is the antidote to the human heart’s desire to always have more.

Finally, the reason it is so important that God be in charge of a person’s finances is that what you do reflects upon God’s character. Your actions have an impact on your relationship with God. According to the text, we should be afraid of denying God, arrogantly forgetting God, or making the Name of God a common thing (profane) by an act of greed.

When you are asking for more, your request must be tempered by content submission to God. After all, the heavenly Father certainly knows better than His beloved child what is really needed.