Let my cry come before you, O Lord; give me understanding according to your word. (Psalm 119:169—NIV)

This verse together with its succeeding verses form the conclusion to the longest chapter in the Bible. The section is a reminder that the devotional life of the saint is a dynamic part of his relationship with God. It encourages us to be sure our devotions never become commonplace.

The entire chapter is a creative statement about the inexhaustible virtues of God’s Word. The qualities of preservation, leading, quickening, protecting, communication, revealing, teaching, wisdom, and love are extolled throughout the chapter. It is the Word of God which reveals the mind of God and prepares the saint for obedient service.

The psalmist begins by begging that his cry may come into the very presence of the grace-displaying God. It is a prayer for assistance from a sheep alone, bleating for the attention of his shepherd. A sheep out on its own is a sheep in danger and one in need of rescuing. A believer approaching his devotions with this attitude in mind will never have a stale quiet time with God.

His prayer is offered to the LORD. This is the name Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God Whose Word is dependable. God has promised to display His gracious, loving, kind acts to His own. It is this God before Whom the psalmist bows. His requests are based on the faithfulness of God Who alone can meet his needs. At the end of these eight verses a beautiful phrase appears, "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant." No stale devotion there!

The final phrase of our verse is the plea for practical wisdom. The Word of God is the revealing of our God and it is a practical manual for life and service. A devotional life that is short on the Word will be short on staying power in the life of the believer. The author of Hebrews reminds us that the Word of God is alive and powerful.

The power of our devotional walk with God is found in the Word and in prayer. Delight in the Lord and He will enliven your day with His precepts. Your tongue will bubble forth His praise. Sit at the feet of the Master, commune with Him, and then arise in humble obedience. Nothing less will bring adequate glory to God.