Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for April, 2013

This evening we fellowshiped with missionaries PV and Aruna Joseph. They gave a slide presentation and wonderful talk on their opportunity to create missionaries and reach local children through the Joseph’s schools in India.

During the Morning Service, PV Joseph taught the Word. PV and his wife Aruna are church planters in India, and have established a seminary there.


Our 13th annual tea!

Tres chic, and filled with fun, fellowship and devotion. This was a wonderful opportunity for our church family to reach out to the community at large.

Family Campout

Always a great time of fun and fellowship for young and old(er) alike, the spring campout was a rousing success. Friday, we pitched our tents and greatly enjoyed the campfire as we talked into the night.

Saturday we spruced up the church property (a mini workday) in preparation for next weekend’s Ladies’ Tea. We also got to do some pellet gun target shooting; the competition was be fierce!

On friday evening, campers prepared our own hotdogs and s’mores over the campfilre, but Saturday we had a civilized indoor breakfast to give us energy for the day.