Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for November, 2015

5th Sunday Fellowship

Each month with five Sundays, the evening of the fifth is set aside for this special event. Tonight we enjoyed Pastor Crookshank discussion on the Pilgrims and the founding of our nation. We gave thanks for their sacrifices and the many others who took risks and made sacrifices to make our country what it is today. All this while enjoying a comforting variety of food.

From November 16th – November 23rd we were an OCC collection point for the community at large. Hanover opened its doors at varying times throughout the week to accept shoebox donations. We received 309 shoeboxes in addition to our own 300 this year.

Following the morning service we gathered in the fellowship hall of a magnificent lunch. The lunch was so ggod and the fellowship so wonderful that we just wanted to linger. But there was wonderful work to do, so we cleared away the dishes and dived into shoebox packing. Hanoverians from 2 to 72 spent the afternoon packing 300 shoeboxes full of love and hope for children around the world.

Tonight we got together in the fellowship hall, fortified ourselves with pizza, and tucked tab As into slot Bs until we had assembled 308 shoeboxes. Why 308? Because we can’t count precisely to 300, apparently! As you can see, several folks (the ones who can count) did final preparations for the shoebox contents. Be sure to come out on Sunday and help us put all the goodies in the boxes.