Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Prayer’ Category

Prayer Walk

Two families met with Pastor Crookshank at the church at 3:00. We divided into four teams and walked along several roads in King George.

The Lord prepared the way ahead of us, and we talked with several individuals and families who had prayer concerns for their marriages, children, our community and our country. After the prayer walk, we shared dinner at Vinney’s then went back to the church for our time of prayer.

The Lord brought many concerns for us to pray about. Each team shared their day with the whole group, and we all prayed together. We were truly blessed by the people we met today, and thank God for this opportunity to serve Him and grow as Christians..

Today Hanover Baptist church is took part in a day of prayer and fasting for world evangelism. Please see the International Mission Board website for more information.

Hanover Day of Prayer

We set aside this day to pray and fast for our church, our community, and our nation.

Day of Prayer

Please set aside some time today to pray in earnest for our country, community, friends and family. If the Lord so leads you, you may want to fast today.