Hanover Baptist Church Events

Archive for the ‘Koinonia’ Category

This afternoon we convened at the home of the Carters to celebrate the blessing the Lowe family has been to us. The Carters had a full house (and backyard and pool) as we said goodby to this loving, inspiring family.

Each month with five Sundays, the evening of the fifth is set aside for a special event. Like every Sunday evening, Pastor Crookshank prepared a great Bible lesson. For dinner, everyone brought a salad or dessert to share, and Cheryl prepared fresh hot quesadillas to order! At least one family decided that they could no longer live without a quesadilla maker of their own.

Today we held our third monthly community dinner. Again the theme leaned toward Italian, with spaghetti and salad (with Italian dressing as an option) on the menu. Although turnout was light, we were honored to share a meal with a few of our neighbors.

Graduate Shower

The honorees this year were high school graduate Laura Pizana and college graduate Kirsten Lowe. We honored them with a time of celebration and devotion, and showered them not only with gifts, but with wise counsel and prayer. These children are a great blessing to our families and the whole church body. We look forward to the graduation celebration each year as our young people grow and take their place in the world.

Ah, spring! Time for the semi-annual much anticipated spring campfire fellowship. Cool nights, hot dogs; macaroni salad, toasted marshmallows, canvas chairs, and worshipful hearts. Yes, springtime!