Outline—Joshua 22

  1. Congenial parting (vv. 1–8)
  2. Concientious precaution (vv. 9–10)
  3. Concern producing action (vv. 11–12)
  4. Cautious proceeding (vv. 13–30)
  5. Calm peace (vv. 31–34)

Take Home Points

  • Obedient unity as well as love must be our focus.
  • Truth and love are met in God. (Psalm 85:10)
  • Solving difficulties is accomplished best when two parties desire to promote obedient unity at the sacrifice of self.
  • What will your zeal for God cause you to do?
    • The zeal for God caused them to build an altar.
    • The zeal for God caused soldiers to gather together and say, “We need to put aside error.”
    • The zeal for God caused them to send and find the real answer.
    • The zeal for God caused them to live in peace.

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