Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Resurrection’ Category

Luke 24—Outline not available.

Related Scripture

  • 1 Corinthians 15

Take Home Points

  • Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the Gospel.

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He Arose!

Matthew 28—Outline not available.

Take Home Points

  • If you are a Christian, you don’t fear death.
  • God is victorious—we just have to finish the race.
  • One day we will receive a crown because of His vistory.
  • Is the Great Commission an encouragement to you, or a point of guilt?

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Matthew 27:57–28:15—Outline not available.

Take Home Points

  • Jesus is who He planned to be.
  • Who do you believe Jesus is?
  • We have proof that Jesus rose from the grave.
  • Jesus died for you and is alive today.

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Outline—Romans 6:1–7

  1. Jesus did a work to redeem you (vv. 1–4)
  2. You can live a resurrected life (vv. 5–7)

Related Scripture

  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
  • Galatians 6:15
  • Colossians 9, 10
  • Galatians 5:1

Take Home Points

  • We are responsible for living a resurrected life (being about things that honor God).
  • How is your life different because you are saved?
  • What adjustments still need to happen in your thinking (concerning sin and your choices)?
  • In light of this passage, how should you view sin?

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Outline—Colossians 3:1–4

  1. The germ of living in light of the resurrected Christ (vv. 1, 2)
  2. The explanation of living in light of the resurrected Christ (vv. 3, 4)

Related Scripture

  • Romans 10:9, 10
  • Ephesians 2
  • Luke 24
  • 1 Corinthians 15

Take Home Points

  • Living in light of eternity changes everything.
  • When you are struggling with life, realize that there will be no struggle in Heaven.
  • If you are risen with Christ, live that way.

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Easter Service, Romans 10:8–13—Outline not available.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most attested event in the ancient world

Take Home Points

  • Jesus’ resurrection is a certainty!
  • Faith is only as good as your object of faith—the object of a Christian’s faith should be the risen Christ.
  • Resurrection is the conclusion of faith.

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