Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Sacrifice’ Category

Jesus’ gave His life on the cross. His work is finished, for all time. If you have trusted in Jesus as your savior, your sins are forgiven…forever.


Outline—Hebrews 13:10–16

  1. Exclusion (v.10)
  2. Explanation (v.11)
  3. Exhibit (v.12)
  4. Exit (v.13)
  5. Escape (v.14)
  6. Express Truth (vv. 15–16)

Related Scripture

  • Psalm 145

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Outline—Matthew 17:1–27

  1. Humbled by His incarnation (vv. 1–13)
  2. Humbled by His representatives (vv. 14–21)
  3. Humility in His sacrifice (vv. 22–23)
  4. Humbling through submission (vv. 24–27)

Take Home Points

  • Never give up when praying.
  • Faith must grow despite the obstacles.
  • Do not be afraid; see Jesus only.

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Outline—Hebrews 9:23–28

  1. Better tabernacle and better blood (vv. 23–24)
  2. One sacrifice with permanent results (vv. 26–28)

Related Scripture

  • Leviticus 16:1–18ff

Take Home Points

  • If you don’t know Jesus Christ, there is judgment in store for you.
  • Jesus is the substitute for you and has paid your penalty.

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Outline—Hebrews 9:11–15

  1. Uniqueness of Christ’s redemptive work (vv. 11, 12)
  2. Effectiveness of Christ’s redemptive work (vv. 13, 14)

Related Scripture

  • John 5:17
  • Romans 10:9

Other References

  • Wuest on Hebrews
  • MacArthur Study Bible

Take Home Points

  • Jesus paid the eternal ransom for you.

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Outline—Psalm 22

  1. Hopelessness (vv. 1–18)
  2. Prayerfulness (vv. 19–21)
  3. Praise (vv. 22–31)

Other References

Take Home Points

  • Your call when witnessing is to tell others what the Lord has done.

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