Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Apostasy’ Category

The Apostate

Outline—Hebrews 10:6–31

  1. The apostate’s condition (v. 26)
  2. The apostate’s prospect (v. 27)
  3. The apostate’s standing (v. 28)
  4. The apostate’s evidence (v. 29)
  5. The apostate’s adversary (v. 30)
  6. The day of reckoning comes (v. 31)

Related Scripture

  • Matthew 12

Take Home Points

  • God will review his people

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Outline—Hebrews 6:1–12

  1. Plight of a halfway convert (vv. 4–6)
  2. That missing “something” (vv. 7–8)
  3. Perseverence of a true convert
    1. Value of christian fellowship (v. 9)
    2. Manner of Christian service (v. 10)
    3. proof of Christian life (vv. 11–2)

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Outline—Judges Chapters 19–20

Related Scripture:

  • Genesis 19:1–9

Take Home Points

  • Beware of the carnal creep of a pagan society (know the difference between right and wrong).
  • When will you embrace God’s truth on your own?
  • When will you become a champion of the faith?
  • Is God your master?
  • It is not enough to be right; you need to be right with God.

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Outline—Jude 21

    Take care to:

  1. Build your faith (v. 21a)
  2. Pray well (v. 21b)
  3. Obey your Father (v. 21c)
  4. Expect great things from God (v. 21d)

Related Scripture:

  • 2 Peter 1:2–11
  • Zechariah 12:10–11
  • Philippians 2:12–13

Take Home Points

  • Do you purposefully build your faith?
  • Does the Holy Spirit temper your prayer?
  • Do you stay within the region of the peculiar love of God for His own?
  • Are you looking forward to His return?

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Outline—Jude 17–19

  1. Precious words (v. 17)
  2. Plain-spoken words (vv. 18–19)

Related Scripture:

  • 2 Timothy 3:16–17
  • 2 Peter 1:19–21
  • 1 Corinthians 2:10–16

Take Home Points

  • Unsaved apostates do not have the Spirit of God in their lives.
  • The Spirit of God polishes the Truth before our eyes, so that gleaming, it captures our eyesight.
  • It is only the Holy Spirit of God that gives us the revelation, illumines our eyes, and inpspired the Word of God so that we might trust it.
  • Uncertain times call for steady steps upon the firm foundation of the Word of God. When the Lord saves you, he gives you the ability to cast together what you hear against the Word of God. As you let the Word of God sift, as you let the Word of God work, as you let the Word of God establish, as you let the Word of God give permission or remove permission, as you let the Word of God give peace or remove peace, you’re given steady steps.

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Jude (Part 6)

Outline—Jude 14–16

  1. Prophetic words (vv. 14–15)
  2. Puffing words (v. 16)

Related Scripture:

  • Acts 20:29–31
  • 1 John 4:1–3
  • 2 Peter 2:12–3:9
  • Romans 8:9

Take Home Points

  • God will judge evil.
  • We ought to guard against any form of apostasy.
  • If you know the Word of God, don’t fail to hold it in high esteem. Know it; love it; cherish it; share it; live it; demonstrate it everywhere you go.
  • We deal in the realm of ideas. Hold on to the Truth of the Word of God and share it, because God’s business is convincing. God will use His Word to convince and convict.
  • Remember that there are people to be praying for. When someone claims to know the Lord, yet their profession of faith is amiss, their soul and eternity are in jeopardy. Our job is not to be hoodwinked by them — our job is to communicate the truth.

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