Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Money’ Category

Outline—1 Timothy 6:17–21

  1. Money held in trust (vv. 17–19)
  2. Doctrine held in trust (vv. 20–21)

Other References

  • Wiersbe

Take Home Points

  • We, as Christians, are to be sentinels guarding the truth.
  • You don’t need to find the truth because God has placed it beside you. Just pick it up!
  • Practice the grace of sharing spiritual needs.
  • Gifts to the saints really are an investment.

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Outline—1 Timothy 6:1–10

  1. Roots of Christian work ethic (vv. 1–2)
  2. Death of Christian work ethic (vv. 3–5)
  3. A guiding principle (v. 6)
  4. A defining truth (v. 7)
  5. A Reasonable conclusion (v. 8)
  6. A danger in rejection (v. 9)
  7. A final word on money (v. 10)

Related Scripture

  • Romans 8:28
  • Colossians 3
  • Luke 12:19–20
  • 2 Corinthians 9:8
  • Job 1:21
  • Proverbs 30:7

Other References

Take Home Points

  • Godliness with contentment is great gain (far more valuable than money).
  • You are not your earthly possessions.

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Money Matters

Outline—James 5:1–6

  1. Address (v. 1)
  2. Description of wealth (vv. 2 & 3a)
  3. Guilty verdict (vv. 3b–6)

Take Home Points

  • Hoarded riches reap miserable dividends.
  • Riches provide no relief in eternity.
  • Unjust acts of the unsaved are not forgotten.
  • Lack of judgment today does not mean there will be a lack of judgment tomorrow.
  • Believers: Thank God that He is a forgiving, loving, gracious God—and whatever you have, you have received from the Lord. Use your money as a tool that honors God and does not take advantage of others.
  • Time, talent, treasure—that’s what we’re responsible for. Remember you are His servant. And what’s required of a servant?—Be faithful.

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