Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Hell’ Category

Hell and Eternal Fire

Outline—Mark 9:43–48

  1. Hell is real—and eternal

Take Home Points

  • Resurrection for the unsaved is an eternity of punishment (Hell).
  • Resurrection of the just (saved by Jesus Christ) is eternal blessing in the presence ot the Lord (Heaven).
  • Do you know Christ as your savior, have you escaped hell through the grace of God?
  • If you don’t know Christ—or if you have the smallest doubt—talk to someone about your soul’s need.

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The Reality of Hell

Outline—Mark 9:43–48

  1. Hell is real

Take Home Points

  • All will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell, there is no middle ground.
  • Believers have a task of sharing the life-giving Gospel with the lost.
  • You have friends who will go to Hell if they die today.
  • If you don’t know Christ as your saviour, talk with someone who does.

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The first few minutes of this recording have been lost.

For Broadband Connection (Approx. 22 MB)

For Dial-Up Connection (Approx. 2.7 MB)