Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Victory’ Category

He Arose!

Matthew 28—Outline not available.

Take Home Points

  • If you are a Christian, you don’t fear death.
  • God is victorious—we just have to finish the race.
  • One day we will receive a crown because of His vistory.
  • Is the Great Commission an encouragement to you, or a point of guilt?

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Outline—Revelation 1:4–8

  1. Don’t forget who you serve (vv. 4–5a)
  2. Don’t forget who serves you (vv. 5b–6)
  3. Don’t forget the victory (v. 7)
  4. Don’t forget the Master (v. 8)

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Outline—Joshua 10:16–12:24

  1. Completion of the main battle for the south (vv. 10:16–27)
  2. Success in the southern campaign (vv. 10:28–42)
  3. Success in the northern campaign (vv. 11:1–15)
  4. Review of the conquest of Canaan (vv. 11:16–23)
  5. Tally of the victories (chapter 12)

Take Home Points

Joshua’s Qualities of Leadership

  • Nothing distracted him from pursuing the fullest victory. Do not be distracted or disoriented, but keep your eyes on the chief task. (v. 10:19)
  • He communicated what made him strong by taking every teaching opportunity. (v. 10:25)
  • He pursued his goals step by step with forethought. (v. 11:23)
  • He used his errors as learning moments. (v. 11:6)
  • He believed God without reservation (vv. 1:6, 10:42, 11:6) despite knowing that he had enemies who were coming for him. (v. 11:20—a verse especially for those who think they know more about God than God does)
  • He obeyed God completely (v. 11:15)—a worthy statement to be striven-for in each of our lives.

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Outline—Joshua 10:1–15

  1. Wild-eyed rage (vv. 1–5)
  2. Worried plea (v. 6)
  3. One night’s march (vv. 7–9)
  4. Worried enemy (v. 10)
  5. Wonders in the sky (vv. 11–15)

Take Home Points

  • God is not restricted by the laws of nature.
  • We do not need to "cover" for God—He needs no apology. He will have victory.
  • Do not pray according to man’s natural laws, but according to God’s promises—but make sure they are relevant to the subject.
  • Let God call you to that same sense of general-ship in your life:
    • Be faithful.
    • Be creative.
    • Take the initiative.
    • Trust & obey—no slacking, no shirking, no falling short of His commands.

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Outline—Joshua 5:13–6:27

  1. Who is in charge? (vv. 5:13–15)
  2. What are they to do? (vv. 6:1–5)
  3. How is victory gained? (vv. 6:6–27)

Take Home Points

  • Never forget who is on whose side.
  • Learn the keys to victory for Christ—find time for silence with God.
  • Make it your aim to obey.
  • Don’t stop short of finishing His work.

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