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Archive for the ‘Exodus’ Category

Exodus 11:1–12:32—Outline not available

Related Reading

  • John J. Davis, Moses and the God of Egypt
  • Irving L. Jensen, Exodus: A Self Study Guide

Take Home Points

  • The world thinks it knows everything, but we know the grace of God.
  • The Israelites were a nation of priests on the night of passover.
  • Don’t just sit and eat when there is work to do.

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Outline—Exodus 10

  1. God’s purpose: signs for Egypt and Israel (vv. 1–2)
  2. A plain warning (vv. 3–6)
  3. Pharoah’s half-hearted offer (vv. 7–11)
  4. Execution of the plague of locusts (vv. 12–15)
  5. Pharoah’s false repentence (vv. 16–20)
  6. Darkness comes over the land (vv. 21–23)
  7. Pharoah tries another deal (vv. 24–29)

Pharoah’s “deals” (Exodus 8 and 10)

  1. You can sacrifice if you stay inside Egypt (v. 8:25)
  2. You can go to the wilderness, but not very far (v. 8:28)
  3. You can go wherever you want, but only the men (v. 10:11)
  4. Men, women, and children can go, but leave all your valuables behind (v. 10:24)

Related Scripture

  • Joel 1:1–3, 2:3

Related Reading

  • Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

Take Home Points

  • The world is always trying to make a deal and never gives up!
  • We are to go and serve the Lord, not make a deal with the worldly.

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Outline—Exodus 9

  1. Animal Plague (vv. 1–7)
  2. Boils (vv. 8–12)
  3. Hail (vv. 13–35)

Related Scripture

  • Romans 9:51–22
  • Psalm 46:10

Take Home Points

  • God is infinite in His righteousness.
  • Let God be exalted in all things.

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Outline—Exodus 8:16–32

  1. Plague of the gnats (vv. 16–19)
  2. Palgue of the swarm (vv. 20–24)
  3. Pharoah’s continued deceipt (vv. 25–32)

Related Scripture

  • Romans 6

Take Home Points

  • Though we are welted up by sin, God still wants to show that He is in the land through us.
  • Your task is to bear witness to God’s grace.
  • Believers relate to sin differently than the unsaved because God has set us free.
  • We’re all sinnners, but you are not still in sin if you’re saved.

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Outline Exodus 8:1–15

  1. Prediction of the plague (vv. 1–4)
  2. Performance of the plague (vv. 5–6)
  3. Repeat performance by the magicians (v.7)
  4. Prayer (vv. 8–15)

Related Reading

  • Moses and the God of Egypt by John J. Davis

Take Home Points

  • The hardened/unsaved heart is superstitious.
  • You can recognize Satan’s counterfeits:
    • They will questions God’s certainties.
    • They try to diminish God’s stated law.
    • They will try to destroy believers, accuse them, and eliminate them from usefulness.
    • They will try to rob God of things that are His glory alone and try to inject themselves in it.

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Exodus 7:14–18—Outline not available.

Related Scripture

  • Numbers 33:4

Take Home Points

  • God can break through hardened hearts. Pray with confidence for those in need of the Gospel.
  • The trials that come upon your life may appear to be judgments, but if you are a child of God, know that God loves you with an everlasting love.
  • Our God is able because He exists. He is a living God, and we should not fear the false gods of this world.

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