Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Righteousness’ Category

God is holy and perfect He has to hold us to a high righteous standard. Instead of looking for a list of dos and don’ts, seek to live righteously.


Outline—Romans Romans 10:1–17

  1. Limits of self-righteousness (vv. 1–4)
  2. Christ’s greater righteousness (vv. 5–8)
  3. Reception of Christ’s righteousness (vv. 9–13)

Related Scripture

  • Deuteronomy 30:11–14
  • Joel 2:23

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Outline—Matthew 6:1–7

  1. Pharisaical thinking (vv. 1–4)
  2. Pharisaical praying (vv. 5–13)
  3. Pharisaical refusal to forgive (vv. 14–15)
  4. Pharisaical complaining (vv. 16–18)
  5. Pharisaical reasons for inaction (vv. 18–33)
  6. Pharisaical worry about the future (v. 34)
  7. Pharisaical criticism (chapter 7)

Take Home Points

  • Do not do good just to be seen.
  • Do good to glorify God.

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Outline—Philippians 3:7–11

  1. Positional righteousness (v. 9)
  2. Practical righteousness (vv. 10, 11)

Take Home Points

  • Are you demonstrating the resurrection of Christ today?
  • Have you been faithful in sharing the Gospel?
  • Does the unsaved world know you are born-again? Are you acting like a believer?

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Outline—Philippians 3:5, 6

  1. Religion that Paul got from his parents (v. 5)
  2. Religion that Paul got on his own (vv. 5, 6)

Alternate Outline from Dr. Ernest Pickering

  1. Pride of birth (v. 5)
  2. Pride of race (v. 5)
  3. Pride of family (v. 5)
  4. Pride of patriotism (v. 5)
  5. Pride of orthodoxy (v. 5)
  6. Pride of zeal (v. 6)
  7. Pride of morality (v. 6)

Related Scripture

  • Acts 9

Take Home Points

  • Read the recounting of Paul’s coming to Christ in Acts 9.
  • Form a plan to share the Truth with someone who is self-righteous.
  • If there is any measure of self-righteousness in you, set it aside.

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Philippians 3:9—Outline not available.

Related Scripture

  • Romans 3:21–26

Take Home Points

  • Righteousness comes from God.
  • Four meanings for words translated “redeemed”:
    • Bought from the market.
    • Bought out of the market (never to return).
    • Set free.
    • Set free by the payment of a ransom.

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