Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for March, 2020

Psalm 46 Devotional

Though we are staying home to stay safe, Pastor Rick does not want us to miss studying God’s Word. Here is an uplifting devotional on Psalm 46 for this week.


Faith and Duty

Outline—Luke 17:1–10

  1. Instruction (vv. 1–2)
  2. Application (vv. 3–4)
  3. Implication (v. 5)
  4. Complication (v. 6)
  5. Illustration (vv. 7–9)
  6. Invitation (v. 10)

Related Scripture

  • Luke 1

Take Home Points

  • You are called to be forgiving and compassionate; look to Jesus for an example.
  • Your goal is to be a faithful servant to God.

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Outline—Ephesians 2:19–22

    God has

  1. Established a new relationship (v. 19)
  2. Started a new project (v. 20)
  3. Taken on a new Temple (vv. 21–22)

Related Scripture

  • 1 Kings
  • 1 Peter 2

Take Home Points

  • Church growth is from God, not from us.
  • We are all a work of God.
  • How is your walk with God?

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