Hanover Baptist Church Messages

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God is genuine and we know that His promises are absoutely true. Throughout history, skeptics have questioned the reality of God. But here in 1 John, John tells us that God is absolute and he shares with us additional knowledge of Christian purity, identity, and wisdom (discernment).



Outline—Ephesians 1:3–8

  1. Believer’s bountiful situation (v. 3)
  2. Believer’s providential position (v. 4)
  3. Believer’s ordained purpose (vv. 5, 6)
  4. Believer’s daily assurance (vv. 7, 8)

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Paul’s Prayer

Mark 12:1–12—Outline not available.

Take Home Points

  • Think about your usual way of prayer, then consider following Paul’s model of praying deep into the future.
  • Pray knowing that God hears—and that he answers.
  • Pray with an aim.

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