Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Forgiveness’ Category

Outline—Luke 5:29–6:11

  1. Jesus’ compassion is unpretentious (vv. 5:29–32)
  2. Jesus’ compassion is precise (vv. 5:33–35)
  3. Jesus’ compassion is realistic (vv. 5:36–6:5)
  4. Jesus’ compassion is bold (vv. 6:6–11)

Related Scripture

  • Ephesians 3

Take Home Points

  • Jesus does not patch you up, he makes you new.
  • We have to live compassionate lives like Jesus, with unpretentiousess, precision, realism, and boldness.

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Outline—Matthew 9:1–17

  1. In Jesus’ presence, sinners are forgiven (vv. 1–8)
  2. In Jesus’ presence, disciples are called (v. 9)
  3. In Jesus’ presence, authentic Christianity is the coin of the realm (vv. 10–13)
  4. In Jesus’ presence, everything changes (vv. 14–17)

Related Scripture

  • Hosea 6:6

Take Home Points

  • Forgiveness is the first great need of every human being.
  • Unforgiven sin shuts us away from the God in Heaven.
  • Without forgiveness there is no remission of sin.
  • If you are unforgiven, you cannot go to Heaven.
  • Forgiveness is only available through Jesus Christ.
  • Forgiveness in not merely taking away punishment, but it is restoration to the favor of God.
  • Forgiveness includes washing away of sin.

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Matthew 6:5–18—Outline not available.

Related Scripture

  • Matthew 18:21–25

Take Home Points

  • Unforgiveness is a “clinging” sin—it gets in the way of everything else.
  • We have a God who forgives without us asking.
  • True forgiveness requires spiritual thinking.
  • The grace of forgiveness always proceeds from personal humility.
  • You and all of society arefull of sin so forgiveness is necessary.

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Outline—Matthew 6:9–12

  1. Dedication to the Lord (vv. 9–13)
  2. Dependence on the Lord (vv. 11–13)

Related Scripture

  • Luke 11:2–4
  • Matthew 22:35-40

Take Home Points

  • A great way to show that you love your neighbor is to forgive him/her.
  • We are at liberty to serve the Lord.
  • We are at liberty to forgive.

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