Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘Daniel’ Category


Outline—Daniel 12:1–13

  1. Great Tribulation (vv. 1–3)
  2. Great conclusion (vv. 4–13)

Related Scripture

  1. Zechariah 13
  2. Daniel 7
  3. Revelation 12:6, 15–16
  4. John 5

Other References

  1. Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible

Take Home Points

  • Thank the Lord that the Rapture happens before the Tribulation.
  • Pray for Israel.
  • Pray for the lost.
  • We should be faithful witnesses for Christ. We have nothing to fear, especially conpared to Tribulation-era believers.
  • God has a place and a purpose for you.
  • What are you going to do for your Lord tomorrow?

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Outline—Daniel 11:1–45

  1. Really bad guys (fulfilled prophecy) (vv. 1–19)
  2. One really bad guy (fulfilled prophecy) (vv. 20–35)
  3. Who is the antichrist? (vv. 36–39)
  4. End of the antichrist (vv. 40–45)

Related Scripture

  1. 1 John 2
  2. 2 Thessalonians 2:1–17
  3. Revelation 13:1–18
  4. Revelation 19:11–20

Take Home Points

  • 135 prophecies in this chapter were fulfilled by 164 BC.
  • God will fulfill all prophecies in the Bible.

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Behind the Curtain

Outline—Daniel 10:1–21

  1. Introduction (vv. 1–3)
  2. A visitor comes (vv. 4–9)
  3. An explanation (vv. 10–14)
  4. Being strengthened (vv. 15–21)

Take Home Points

  • Don’t be afraid to fast and spend time with God.
  • There is conflict in this world.
  • God is in control, so have confidence that He will prevail.
  • You are designed to aid and minister to one another; what can you do to encourage a fellow believer?

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Outline—Daniel 9:20–27

  1. Interruption of prayer (vv. 20–23)
  2. Instruction of interpretation (v. 24)
  3. Divisions of the prophecy (v. 25)
  4. Abrupt change in Israel (v. 26)

Related Scripture

  • Matthew 24
  • Luke 21:20–24
  • Isaiah 28
  • Revelation

Take Home Points

  • “Seventy weeks” is literally “seventy sevens.”
  • View prophecy through Israel’s eyes, don’t try to find America in the Bible.

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Outline—Daniel 9:1–19

  1. Introduction to chapter (vv. 1–2)
  2. Daniel’s Prayer
    1. Confession of sin (vv. 3–7)
    2. Confession of widespread guilt (vv. 8–12)
    3. Confession of the justice of God (vv. 13–15)
    4. Confession of intercession (vv. 16–17)
    5. Confession of petition (vv. 18–19)

Related Scripture

  • Jeremiah 25:11, 29:1–15
  • Ezekial 14:14
  • Matthew 24–25
  • Revelation
  • Numbers 6:22–27

Take Home Points

  • Daniel had been reading Jeremiah 25:11 and 29:1–15. The later passage is a great one to glean context for a precious promise many latch on to in our day!
  • God turns the heart of a king easier than we can turn the heart of a child.
  • Mercy and forgiveness are the sole propriety of God.
  • God means what He says.
  • The fulcrum point of all God’s dealings with man is His righteousness.
  • Whenever we are truly faced with God’s righteousness, we feel shame.
  • The basis of all prayer is His mercy, not our righteousness.
  • Pray boldly according to God’s righteousness.


Fascinating word picture

In verse 13, the words “all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our prayer before the LORD our God” have this literal translation: “all this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not sought to smooth the face of the LORD.” When someone is angry their face can contort into all sorts of wrinkles and rage; to smooth the face is turning the angry countenance into the kindly face, which incidentally is what Daniel speaks of in verse 17 and is in the High Priestly prayer in Numbers. Without repentance God’s face cannot shine on us.

One more thing

Jehovah’s name appears seven times in this chapter, the only occurances in the book of Daniel, yet there is a healthy sprinkling of the name Adonai (Lord, Master). Both are fitting for a deep man of prayer (Ezekial 14:14).

A proper understanding of this chapter, a pivotal prophecy in Scripture, is necessary for a keen understanding of Matthew 24-25 and Revelation.

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Outline—Romans 6:3–6

Outline—Daniel 8

  1. Introduction (vv. 1, 2)
  2. Startling vision (vv. 3–14)
  3. Interperetation (vv. 15–27)

Other References

    Wilmington’s Guide to the Bible

Take Home Points

  • God is concerned about the putity of His people—make sure your heart is pure.
  • Evil always plays fast and loose with the truth.
  • The counsels of God are sure—nothing will change them.
  • God has a reason for what we would call delay; nothing slips his mind or escapes His notice. God’s grace will prevail by His sheer power.
  • Antiochus Epiphanes shows us the raising and demise of a rebel against God—they will always fall—don’t be a rebel.

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