Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Archive for the ‘James’ Category

Shepherds Ministries, a nationally recognized organization founded on Jeremiah 23:4, provides compassionate Christian care, vocational education and job opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities, helping them attain appropriate independence with fulfilling jobs and lives, while also providing for their spiritual development.”

Pastor Mitchell also spoke about demonstrating true faith based on verses from the Book of James.

Outline—James 1:26, 27

  1. Tests of real faith:
    1. The conversation test (v. 26)
    2. The compassion test (v. 27a)
    3. The conduct test (v. 27b)

Take Home Points

  • How to control your tongue? Ask these questions before you speak:
    • Is is true?
    • Is it kind?
    • Is it necessary?

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Outline—James 5:19–20

  1. Solemn closing (v. 19)
  2. Sound thinking (v. 19)
  3. Similar texts:
    1. Romans 14:1
    2. 1 Thessalonians 5:12–22
    3. Galatians 6:1–2
    4. Hebrews 3:12–14
    5. Hebrews 12:12–17
  4. Satisfying results (v. 20)

Take Home Points

  • Have you wandered from subjection to the truth of God?
  • Do you recognize this as a call to you to seek & rescue believers in error?
  • Is there someone you need to confront biblically?

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Fervent Prayer

“The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Cited scripture:

  • James 5:16–18
  • Galatians 6:1–9
  • The story of Elijah:
    • Deuteronomy 28:1–2, 12, 15, 24
    • 1 Kings 16:29–34
    • 1 Kings 17:1–24
    • 1 Kings 18:1, 18–45

Take Home Points

  • Count yourself blessed to be included in the long line of servants of the Most High.
  • Build your prayers on The Book.
  • Assume the mantle of a prayer warrior.

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Effective Prayer

James 5:13–16

Questions to ask:

  • Does God want to heal everyone?
    • Philippians 2:25–28
    • 2 Timothy 4:19–20
    • 2 Corinthians 12:7–10
  • What is the text saying?
    • Prayer is the focus and emphasis of it all.
    • Prayer changes things.
    • Prayer is having an audience with God, communing with God in what He desires to do and accomplish.
    • Prayer is yielding to God’s will.
  • For what should we pray?
    • That God will glorify Himself (John 9:1–4)
    • That God will judge sin (1 Corinthians 11:28–30)
    • That God will increase reliance on Him (2 Corinthians 12:7–10)
    • That God will discipline and the training will take (Hebrews 12:5–11)
    • That God will bring us to maturity in Christ (James 1:2–4)

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“Does any among uou suffer?”

  • Suffering refers to more than just sickness (James 5:9–14):
    • Suffering refers to discipline, trials, injustice, persecution, and oppression as well as illness.
    • No matter what the cost of perseverence may be, there is the challenge to bear-up under the difficulty and do it well, because we don’t know what God is intending to do and bring about in the midst of the trial.
    • The point is communion with God—meeting God where He desires to be met.
  • As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are a soldier (2 Timothy 2:1–6), and will suffer the trials of a soldier. As a soldier, know this (courtesy of former chaplain at Arlington National Cemetery):
    • You must say goodbye to the world you once knew.
    • The world around you will continue to change.
    • There is always an enemy.
    • You’ve got to maintain success in a highly competitive world and situation.
    • Severity involved in service and training is to be expected.
    • Soldiers are not designed for garrison life.
    • There is a great celebration at home for victory.
  • Suffering may be for discipline (Hebrews 12:1–17):
    • This is the suffering for Jesus Christ—the suffering under the hand of a mighty God who would cause us to be more like Him.
    • The call is to pray, to commune with your Father.
    • Let God do the determining of the ultimate lesson.
  • Remember you are a soldier, and remember you are a son.

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Patience of Job

(Perseverence within the Body of Christ)

Outline—James 5:7–12

  1. Be patient (v. 7)
  2. Establish your heart (v. 8)
  3. Do not complain (vv. 9–10)
  4. Do not swear (v. 12)

Take Home Points

  • What does “the Lord being at hand” mean to you today? Can you worship Him with a pure heart, or is there a sin that needs to be confessed?
  • Are you harboring groaning grudges that you need to forsake?
  • Is your word as important to you as God’s word?

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