Outline—Philippians 4:1–3

  1. A common stand (v. 1)
  2. A common gound (v. 2)
  3. A common work (v. 3)

Related Scripture

  • Philippians 1:26–30

Strengthening Female Relationships Within the Church

  • Believing women need to focus on where they agree.
  • Godly men must not be afraid of encouraging women to serve the Lord together when there is an issue.
  • Godly women are worth the effort.
  • Honor women for their loyal and courageous work.
  • Remember what you are working for—this is about the Lord!
  • Listen to each individual.
  • Emphasize the nature of the good-willed hearts.
  • Do this work as to the Lord.
  • We are co-workers in the house of Christ.
  • Church membership isn’t a sport
  • Stand fast in the unity of the Gospel.

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