Outline—1 Timothy 5:17–25

  1. The ethics behind the preacher’s pay (vv. 17, 18)
  2. The ethics behind the preacher’s protection (vv. 19, 20)
  3. The ethics behind the preacher’s purity (vv. 21, 22)
  4. The ethics behind the preacher’s pain (v. 23)
  5. The ethics behind the preacher’s perception (vv. 24, 25)

Related Scripture

  • Matthew 18:15–17
  • James 1:27

Take Home Points

  • High ethics may cost you physically, but will bless you spiritually.
  • Judgment is required—discernment is necessary in Christian ethics.
  • Serve the Lord out of purity.
  • Why not write down your standard of ethics today? Prepare before choosing your friends and before deciding important issues.
  • Protect you preacher by looking out for him spiritually.
  • Don’t participate in the sins of other people.
  • Choose to be pure over being good-natured. How you are thought of should take second place behind the way God sees you.

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