Outline—1 John 5:1–5

  1. Love revealed by saving faith (v. 1)
  2. Love revealed in obedience (vv. 2–3)
  3. Love revealed in overcoming faith (vv. 4–5)

How to know if you are saved (from the Wilmington Study Bible)

  • Do you live your live in light of the rapture?
  • Do you continually dwell in sin?
  • Do you desire to help your brother?
  • Do you really love your brother?
  • Do you really love God?
  • Do you enjoy rapport with other believers?
  • Are you plagued with constant fear?
  • Are you able to overcome the world?
  • Can you recognize false doctrine?
  • Are you straight on the deity of Christ?

Take Home Points

  • Are you setting you affection on things above?
  • Salvation is an overwhelming victory!.

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