Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Author Archive

Unassailable Logic

Outline—Luke 11:14–36

  1. Actions evident (vv. 14–16)
  2. Logic of distinction (vv. 17–23)
  3. Logic of the nature of evil (vv. 24–28)
  4. Logic of revelation (vv. 29–32)
  5. Logic of sight (vv. 33–36)

Take Home Points

  • You can not transform a person’s life, so present the Gospel and let God do the transformation.
  • Use the Scriptures as a mirror in your life rather than others’ opinions.
  • Examine your heart to see if there is any darkness within you.

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Prayer Pattern

Outline—Luke 11:1–13

  1. Prayer pattern (vv. 1–4)
  2. Prayer parable (vv. 5–8)
  3. Prayer principles (vv. 9–10)
  4. Prayer promise (vv. 11–13)

Take Home Points

  • The goal of prayer is worship.
  • When we are needy, we are driven to prayer.
  • God wants us to pursue Him.
  • God is a good Father.
  • God will give as we ask.
  • Do you pray enough?

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Outline—Luke 9:27–43

  1. Majesty of God portrayed (vv. 27–36)
  2. Majesty of God displayed (vv. 37–43)

Related Scripture

  • 1 John 1:1–4
  • 2 Peter 1:16–18

Other References

Take Home Points

  • Don’t answer a fool in his foolishness.

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Outline—Luke 9:18–27

  1. Jesus is the same through-and-through (v. 18)
  2. Jesus is a public person (v. 19)
  3. Jesus is the Who’s Who of all time (v. 20)
  4. Jesus is focused on His commision (vv. 21–22)
  5. Jesus is worthy of your complete submission to Him (vv. 1–3)

Take Home Points

  • There are four principles of discipleship: decision, denial of self, dedication, and determination.
  • Get lost in Christ and let His desires shine through.

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