Hanover Baptist Church Messages

Most Recent Messages

God Is Light

God is light and there is no darkness in Him. The same can not be said for us. Darkness (sin) touches everything we do so we need Jesus’ salvation. You answers to these questions will help you be sure that you are saved: Do you believe what God (via the Bible) says about Jesus? Are you being transformed (giving up sin)? Are you keeping a short account of your sins with God?


If you are born-again, you have a fellowship (that is, partnership) with God. John wrote a letter to correct errors in the early church, with the result that we can begin to understand what it truly means to be saved.


Life Is Short

Our time on earth is short, that is a universal problem… Therefore, we must focus on things that are eternal. Psalm 49 equips us with practical wisdom for living and dealing with even the things that we cannot control.


A Life of Integrity

In Psalms 114 and 115 David teaches us how to live a life of integrity. Integrity, honor, and genuine sacrificial love are not necessarily the same as depicted in our culture and media, but are critical to a relationship with God. Integrity may cost us worldly friends and opportunities, but are worth the cost to build a closer walk with God.


Pastor Rick continues with the second devotion in the book of Job as Job and his friends struggle to find a reason for suffering. We learn that God has a plan, is always in control, and is with Job all through his tribulation. God has a plan for us, too, and he is always with when we suffer. When we come through sufferint, we gain a deeper understanding of God, learn that our wisdom is primitive, and that we need to repent.


God is in charge and he never promised us an easy life. But if you are born-again, god loves you and he helps you through the trials and troubles of life.