Outline—Genesis 42–45

  1. Introduction (ch. 42)
  2. Intermission (vv. 43:1–17)
  3. Interrogation (vv. 43:18–34)
  4. Instigation (vv. 44:1–5)
  5. Investigation (vv. 44:6–17)
  6. Intercession (vv. 44:18–34)
  7. Interpretation (vv. 45:1–8)

Interwoven Lessons From These Chapters

  • Observe the displays of faith:
    • Israel’s faith (Jacob’s name intermixed with the name Israel)
    • Steward’s faith
    • Judah’s faith
  • Observe changes signifying repentence:
    • New spokesman
    • No jealousy
    • Self-sacrifice
    • Acknowledgement of sin (42:22)
    • Reasoning change
  • Judah’s substitution—Abrahamic Covenant fulfilled:
    • Exchange of bags/debt with his half-brother
    • Provide so that Benjamin could see his father
    • Became most Christ-like of all his brothers
    • Willing to be pronounced guilty and take his half-brother’s punishment
    • Wanted to fulfill his covenant with his father

Take Home Points—Joseph’s Insights of Purpose

  • Complete the mission to the end.
  • Pursue a purpose larger than yourself.
  • Fulfill your leadership role with humility.

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