The Man Who Jesus Christ Is
Jun 15th, 2014 / Manhood, Philppians
Outline—Philippians 2:5–8
- Jesus had a self-aware mind (v. 6)
- Jesus had a self-emptied mind (v. 7)
- Jesus had a self-controlled mind (v. 8)
Alternate Outline
- Sovereignty of God (v. 6)
- Service of God (v. 7)
- Sacrifice of God (v. 8)
Other References—Questions from a lesson by Ernest Pickering
- Was Jesus really God?
- Is He still God?
- Did He relinquish any attributes of the Godhead when He bacame a man?
- Did He really empty himself of all but love?
- Was He truly a man?
- Is He still man?
Take Home Points
- If we are in error concerning the person of Christ, we will be in error in other areas of doctrine.
- Jesus was, is, and always will be 100% God.
- We need to emulate Jesus’ mind of humility.
- Jesus deserves to be glorified.
- Whenever you feel slighted, have the mind of Jesus.
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