Outline—John 12

  1. The priority of the moment(vv. 1–11)
    1. Thankful disciple
    2. Thoughtful disciple
    3. Thorough disciple
    4. Timely disciple
  2. The priority of the message (vv. 12–16)
  3. The priority of the mission (vv. 17–36)
    1. Substitutionary death (vv. 27–28)
    2. Sacrificial service (vv. 28–30)
    3. Satisfying will (vv. 31–33)
    4. Sobering thought (vv. 34–36)
  4. The priority of the Master (vv. 37–50)

Take Home Points

  • Are you a disciple?
  • What is the quality of your discipleship?
  • The time is now to be a first-order disciple. Questionable discipleship exemplified: Judas was selfish (vv. 5-6), the disciples were dull (v. 16), the crowd was arrogant in their knowledge (v. 24), and the rulers were carnal (vv. 42-43).

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